Art appraisals can be an important part of tax and estate planning, as well as a means of protecting one's art investment.
Here's a list of professional organizations that specialize in art appraisals. They're membership organizations with high
professional standards and membership qualifications. Most of the organization also offer useful information on their sites
and provide a listing of members. We've also provided a listing professional art appraisers listed by states they service.
Major appraisal organizations require their members to adhere to a code of ethics, as well as to updated standards contained
in a set of professional standards: the "Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice." As we live in an uncertain
world - and art values can change quickly - maintaining current appraisals of one's art collection will help to fully protect
it in the event of loss or damage.
Current art appraisals are also useful for potential insurance claims, sales of art, or for equitable distribution (of estate or
trust assets, for instance). Depending on the purpose for which the appraisal is sought, art appraisals can evaluate artworks at
current fair market value (FMV), retail replacement value (RRV), and Liquidation Value (LV). The Internal Revenue Service requires
an appraisal for donations of property over a given amount.
American Society of Appraisers (ASA)
The American Society of Appraisers is an organization of appraisal professionals and others interested in the appraisal profession.
International in structure, it is self-supporting and independent. The oldest and only major appraisal organization representing all of
the disciplines of appraisal specialists, the society originated in 1936 and incorporated in 1952. Headquarters near Washington, D.C.
Appraisers Association of America (AAA)
The oldest Non-Profit professional association of personal property appraisers. Recognized authority for setting appraisal standards,
legal issues and regulation of the appraisal profession. Certified members provide appraisals for fine and decorative arts,
jewelry, and household contents.
The Appraisal Foundation (AF)
The Appraisal Foundation, a not-for-profit educational organization dedicated to the advancement of professional
valuation, was established by the appraisal profession in the United States in 1987.
Since its inception, the Foundation has worked to foster professionalism in appraising.
Art Dealers Association of America Appraisal Services (ADAA)
For more than 45 years, the ADAA Appraisal Service has appraised works of art for tax purposes. The service has been used by collectors and
museums to determine the value of important works of art from old master paintings to contemporary art installations. ADAA appraisals have
an outstanding acceptance record with the IRS and are known for their professional quality.
The International Society of Appraisers (ISA)
Not-for-profit, member-driven association, formed to support our member needs and serve the public by producing highly qualified and ethical
appraisers who are recognized authorities in professional personal property appraising. Our members include many of the country's most respected
independent appraisers, consultants, estate liquidators, auctioneers, gallery owners, and dealers.
Where to Find an Art Appraiser
This link takes you to our list of professional art appraisers.
Organized by states where art appraisal professionals are located and
or provide appraisals. You can also find art appraisers through the appraiser organizations
listed above. Our listings focus on art appraisers to make it easy for you.
If you're an art appraiser and want to be included, look at "How to be Listed" located near
the bottom of the page.
Online Art Appraisals
If you cannot find an art appraiser near you try an online appraisal. This
is usually the most affordable way to get an appraisal.
Mutual Art (we recommend them) and
Value my Stuff are two companies
you might consider looking at.
Data Base of Art Auction Prices and Artist Information
Are you interested in researching an artist or looking for current auction prices?
Mutual Art is a great place to start. They also offer the lowest prices for online appraisals.
They are a well respected source of art information online.
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