If you're looking for art services an art resource for you. You'll find a variety of art services
for art collectors, galleries and visual artists. It was created to make it easy for you to find
the profession art services that are frequently required to protect artworks and art collections.
We'll be adding new art services and reorganizing this art guide as it grows and there is a need.
If you have suggestions for improving this section of our site please let us know. If you know art
companies that should be added please let them know about our online art services resource
or contact us, and we'll contact them.
Art-Collecting.com provides comprehensive and easy to use gallery and art guides on the Internet.
Our guides help you to easily discover art in various art communities whether you are visiting them,
planning a visit, or living in them. Click on Art Gallery Guides in the top navigation
and you'll find art guides for every state and thirty-seven major art cities. Links take you directly to the listed
art businesses so that you can quickly see what's being featured.
For the past 27 years, we've been providing art and gallery guides. Why? Because art galleries, art museums,
non-profit art organizations, and artists are important. Even though we've been around for years your support is
also important. If you've listed in the past, thank you, please renew. If you've never officially listed with us
please do so today. Listing information is located at the bottom of this guide. Thanks in advance, your
support is much appreciated.
- Art Brokerage & Sales Services
- Online Only Galleries
- Art Collection & Gallery Management
- Art Conservation & Restoration Services
- Bookbindery / Book Repair
- Art Framing / Framing Supplies & Services
- Art Shipping / Storage & Installation
- Shipping Supplies
- Art Supply Companies
- Art Insurance
- Fine Art Printers
- Printing Services - Other
- Art Fabrication & Art Publishing
- Artwork & Artist Research
- Art Education & Art Workshops
Art of Estates - Nationwide Service & No Obligation
Savvy Collector Art Brokerage
SavvyCollector.com, although specializing in Native American art, offers a variety of art for sale. All of our art is
examined for condition and researched by veteran art appraiser Corinne Cain, who has over thirty years of experience in the industry.
We take the guesswork out of buying art, by uniquely showing a standard gallery price, compared to our own unique savvy price,
ensuring you get the best price every time. Online shopping cart and gift registry options available. Telephone 602-906-1633.
We are available by appointment Phoenix, AZ, website: https://savvycollector.com/
art is gallery santa fe
Home to artists across many genres, including fine art, wearable art, sculpture, jewelry and prints.
"Open mind art" through International and Culture awareness, expressed by individual artists using different media.
We are an online gallery offering a growing collection of fine art that has been carefully selected.
Visit our website for further information https://artisgallerysantafe.com/
Art Leaders Gallery
Has been one of Michigan's leading fine art dealers for over 25 years. With over 100 emerging, national and international artists represented,
the gallery is your ultimate destination for online art collecting. Buy original art and limited editions online with confidence, knowing that
each order is treated with honesty and integrity by the gallery's team of qualified art consultants. All paperwork, including CoA and artist
biography is provided as needed. Browse the Collection. Location: 33086 Northwestern Hwy.,
West Bloomfield, MI 48322, telephone: 248-539-0262.
Zatista Fine Art
Is the leading destination to buy original art online, giving you unrivalled access to exclusive collections from all over the world.
With over 4000 highly curated works from the most talented emerging and established artists, Zatista provides access to the types of works previously
only available to seasoned collectors. Buying online with Zatista is easy with their complimentary art consultation, certificates of authenticity and
a buyer guarantee that allows you to try art in your home with free returns (as well as free shipping within the US for all purchases). Their platform
makes it fun to discover art you love, with an experience so unique it's like you are right there in front of it.
Ted's Vintage Art (Maps)
Masterpiece Manager
Art Gallery Software and Websites, Inventory Management and Financial Control, Customer Management and Email Marketing, Consignment Reporting and Payments,
Staff Management and Commissions, Integrated Point of Sale, Automated Websites. Website:
Art Attendant - Organize and Archive
Art Binder - Inventory management and sales solution
artcloud - Gallery Management and Artist tools
Art Galleria - Inventory management to marketing
Artwork Archive - Artworkmanagment tool
Flynn Fine Art - Business Development and Collection Management
Managed Artwork - Software Solutions for Galleries and Artists
LYLC Studio - Art Conservation
We provide conservation services ranging from pre-purchase condition assessments or consultations, to object treatments (conservation/restoration) and maintenance,
installation/display, and long-term preservation plans and care. Whether working in the field as artifacts come out of the ground, at a museum preparing art for exhibit, or
simply at a client's house caring for precious heirlooms, our purpose is to ensure our world's treasures last for generations to come. We work with individuals, private collections,
museums, galleries, auction houses, insurance companies, and more. Located in St. Louis, MO, telephone: 314-477-4900,
website: https://www.lylcstudio.com/
Avery Gallery (Art Restoration, Marietta, GA)
Avondale Galleries (Oklahoma City, OK)
Durrett Studio (Art Restoration, Marietta, GA)
ICA - Art Conservation (Cleveland, OH)
Jonathan Carver Fine Art (Restoration, MN)
Grand Hill Gallery & Picture Framing (St. Paul)
Gratz Gallery & Conservation Studio (Doylestown, PA)
The Frame Guild (Kansas)
Page Waterman Fine Framing (Framing & Restoration, Wellesley, MA)
Peninsula Gallery (Lewes, DE)
Shuptrine's (Framing & Restoration, Chattanoogo, TN)
CoOL Conservation OnLine
American Institute for Conservation
Northern States Conservation Center
The Library of Congress Preservation Information
The Soleil Bookbindery (Chapel Hill)
Arrow Express (New York)
Arrow Express provides professional packing, custom crating, and worldwide shipping services. We specialize in handling fine art and antiques as well as items that are over-sized, uniquely shaped,
high value or extremely fragile. We provide specialty freight services for individuals, galleries, auction houses, antique and fine art dealers, collectors, and the home decorating industry.
Location: 28 Saint John's Place, Freeport, NY 11520, telephone: 516-867-4366, website: https://arrowexpress.com/
Castelli Framing & Art Services
Fine art framing, archival materials and handling, custom milled hardwood frames to every piece's exact specifications.
Castelli offers full line printing on any substrate, custom crating/packing and shipping arrangement domestically / internationally,
pickup/delivery in Southern California, art storage, acrylic boxes, canvas stretching. We are the "one-stop shop" for the fine art business
assisting many of the top contemporary artists, photographers and galleries in the Los Angeles area.
website: https://www.castelliframing.com/
American Frame
Decor Moulding and Supply
Frames by Mail
Frame Destination
Light Impressions Direct
Your Picture Frames
Aetna Fine Art Logistics (New York)
Aetna is a single source service provider for fine art and antiques handling, storage
& shipping worldwide. All services are provided in-house, without the use of subcontractors.
Shipping, packing & crating, customs clearance, trade shows & exhibitions, installation and insurance are only some of the services we provide. Since 1996 we have been servicing
artists, art galleries, auction houses, museums & private collectors. We always offer great service, discretion and competitive pricing. Location: 123 East Mineola Avenue, Valley Stream, NY 11580,
telephone: 516-825-5885, website: https://www.aetnafineart.com/
Art Installer Network
The ART INSTALLER NETWORK is a US/CANADIAN registry of local art installers. With experienced and insured professionals in every major North American
city, we've eliminated the need to send your own installer. NO MORE TRAVEL EXPENSES! Nationwide standardized rates. Short-notice staffing solutions.
Excellent service. Website: https://www.artinstallernetwork.com/
Art Work Art Services (Portland, OR)
Artworks of Kansas City (Crating & Shipping, Kansas City, MO)
Artworks San Diego (San Diego, CA)
Atelier 4, Inc. (New York, NY)
Artech (Seattle and Portland, OR)
Cadogan Tate (Global)
Shades In Place - Professional Art Hanging and Installation (Boston, MA)
U.S. Art Company, Inc. (MA, TX, CA, NY, FL, MO, and DC)
Pathe Shipping Supplies
Has serviced the Art Industry since our incorporation in 1951. Inventoried items include bubble, foam, tape, corrugated sheets, glassine, tyvek,
tissue and janitorial supplies. Our Manhattan location, in Chelsea, enables Pathe to deliver quickly or offer immediate pick up. Our existing customers
are many of your neighbors. Location: 620 West 26th Street, New York, NY 10001, telephone: 212-239-2380, website:
Airfloat Systems
Yazoo Mills / Shipping Tubes
Archival Methods
Blick Art Materials
Daniel Smith
Light Impressions Direct
Print File - Archival Storage
University Products
Nash Editions (Torrance, CA)
Rock's Studio (Seattle, WA)
Cone Editions (East Topsham, VT)
Reed Art & Imaging (Lakewood, CO)
Whether it's an event banner, backdrop for your red carpet, or billboard to advertise your latest art gallery, Easybanners provides
quality products, fast! That's what makes us easy. Browse custom designed templates made specifically for large advertising, or upload
your own design in our design tool, and print today! It's that simple. Visit: https://www.easybanners.com/.
Signazon.com is a premiere web-based printing service that specializes in marketing,
branding, and publishing services for artists around the United States. Featured in
prominent publications such as Design-Milk, Entrepreneur.com, and Mashable, Signazon
uses the latest printing and finishing equipment, color calibration processes, and e-commerce
technologies to deliver products that showcase your design's true vision. Choose from our
exclusive templates or upload your design today to create canvas art, posters, business cards, and more.
Visit: https://www.signazon.com/, or telephone: 800-518-1217
Nothing listed at this time.
Data Base of Art Auction Prices and Artist Information
Are you interested in researching an artist or looking for current auction prices?
Mutual Art is a great place to start. They also offer the lowest prices for online appraisals.
They are a well respected source of art information online.
Data Base of Artist Information and Art Auction Prices
Are you interested in researching an artist or looking for current auction prices?
Enter the artist name in the above Artprice search banner, click search to see the results.
Fee based service, with a one day trial pass available.
Aimone Art Services
Offers a range of services including workshops by renowned teacher/author Steven Aimone, artist profiles by writer/artist Katherine Duncan Aimone,
curatorial services, and art coaching. Workshops focus on design and the art-making process. Workshop locations include Aimone Art Studios located
on Monhegan Island, ME and in Asheville, NC and the Atlantic Center for the Arts in FL.
Mailing address: PO Box 16532, Asheville, NC 28816
The Art Career Project
Art-Collecting.com is an online resource for all art enthusiasts. Art collectors, art travelers and artists will find
our comprehensive online Gallery Guides and Museum Guides to be
very useful. We feature guides for thirty-seven major art destinations as well as every state. Be sure to look at our
Art Fairs Guide and guides to Miami Art Week and
New York Art Fairs and Los Angeles Art Fairs
which are available year around.
If you're looking for Art Appraisers, Art Advisors & Consultants,
Art Auctions or other Art Services we're a good source.
Our Artist Guides is where you find links directly to artist websites. Our Painters and
Photographers guides are very popular. You'll discover new artists and
that you can buy directly from or be referred to galleries representing their art.
Thanks for stopping by Art-Collecting.com.
Visit our website often and be sure to explore around.