Tacoma art gallery guide featuring art galleries and art organizations showing art in Tacoma, Washington. In this guide you'll find a wide variety of artworks ranging from contemporary art to traditional fine art, glass art, prints, paintings, sculpture, fine art photography and other types of visual art. If you're interested in collecting art or just enjoy looking at art, these are the art galleries in Tacoma.

Art-Collecting.com provides one click, easy to use gallery guides and art resources on the Internet. The guides will help you to easily find and view online art and exhibitions. They are particularly useful to see what your favorite gallery is showing and for discovering new ones. Click on "Gallery Guides" above and you'll find guides for every state and thirty-seven major art cities. Also, explore around the site and discover other useful information.

For the past 27 years, we've been providing art and gallery guides. Why? Because art galleries, art museums, non-profit art organizations, and artists are important. Even though we've been around for years your support is also important. If you've listed in the past, thank you, please renew. If you've never officially listed with us please do so today. Listing information is located at the bottom of this guide. Thanks in advance, your support is much appreciated.



American Art Company
Art from around the world. The American Art Company mixes contemporary works of art on paper (etchings, silk-screens, and collage) with paintings, sculpture, art quilts, contemporary expressions in wood, and baskets. The artists we represent are from Japan, Europe, and the United States. Hours Tuesday - Friday: 10-5:30 pm, Saturdays: 10-5 pm. Location: 1126 Broadway Plaza, Tacoma, WA 98402, telephone: 253-272-4327.

The Art Stop
A good place when looking for fine crafts. Associated with LeRoy Jewelers and sharing the same space. Location: 940 Broadway, Tacoma WA 98402, telephone: 253-274-1630.

Barlow Gallery
Opened in April 2024 one of Tacoma's newest galleries. Barlow Gallery offers an island of visual inspiration, providing captivating art from all over the world to enhance spaces, excite art lovers, and encourage new collectors. Check website for additional information. Location: 1328 Market Street, Tacoma WA, 98402. Also a space in the Murano Hotel located at 1320 Broadway (downtown).

Fulcrum Gallery
The best way to find out about them is to be get on the Tacoma Art List Serve or request to be put on Fulcrum Gallery email mailing list. If you are interested in having a show, contact the gallery. Limited hours, check website for additional information. Location: 1308 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Tacoma WA, 98405. Currently not actively open as a gallery.

Proctor Art Gallery
Features work by local artists. We offer a range of art mediums all created by Local Artists. Whether you're looking for something small or a collection of fine art, we have what your looking for. Our artists are on duty daily and will help with your art selection. The connection between artist, client and the community is foremost. Open daily: Monday-Saturday 10-6 pm, Sunday 11-5 pm. Location: 3811 N 26th ST, Tacoma, WA 98407, telephone: 253-759-4238.

Tacoma Community College Gallery
The Gallery at TCC is a place where students and the surrounding community can find artistic expression in all mediums, and from all world cultures and historic eras. The Gallery shop carries ceramics by Herb Hallberg, Marie Joseph, & Gail E. Kelly; photographs and cards by Alice Di Certo, Connie Hardy, & Linda Staats; and jewelry by Wendy Flores and Traci Kelly. Location: 6501 South 19th Street, Tacoma, Washington 98466

Tacoma Furniture Consignment
Mid-century modern and industrial furniture, as well as, vintage, pop and fabulous decor! Nice selection of artwork. Come visit us to buy and sell your treasures! And don't forget champagne Sundays and Wine Wednesdays. We are where Tacoma meets fun and fabulous! Location: 1120 Broadway, Tacoma, WA 98402, telephone: 253-212-9445

Tacoma Glassblowing Studio
Tacoma Glassblowing Studio is home of the Original and Best Glassblowing Experience in the Northwest! Anyone can come in and experience the magic of hot Glass. Location: 114 S. 23rd Street, Tacoma, WA 98402, telephone: 253-383-3499

Tacoma Metal Arts Center
At Tacoma Metal Arts Center you can design and create your own custom jewelry and small-scale sculpture. With our expert instruction you will develop the skills to make the jewelry that you have only imagined. The classes offered at TMAC are techniques oriented, rather than project oriented. Location: 3833 6th Ave. Tacoma, WA 98406, telephone: 253-227-1694

Picture Tacoma / The Artists' Postcard Project - This creative project features real postcards (the kind you send in the mail) by twenty Tacoma area artists. Look for the cards at while visiting galleries or other art venues around Tacoma. Half of the proceeds from sales go to a local food bank.

Throwing Mud Gallery
Is a working pottery studio and contemporary crafts gallery located in the historical Old Town District in Tacoma. The gallery's mission is to encourage creativity and an understanding of quality handcrafted art through its retail gallery and pottery classes. Hours: Monday noon to 5 pm, Tuesday-Friday 10-5 pm, Saturday 10-4 pm. Location: 2212 North 30th Street, Tacoma, WA 98403, telephone: 253-254-7961.

Is a Creative Reuse Center which you can also think of as an alternative arts and crafts supply store. Instead of throwing artsy materials in the dump, you can toss it to us knowing that your matter will have a new and exciting afterlife. Starting June 1st they will be open seven days a week.

Foss Waterway Seaport
Greentrike (formerly Children's Museum)
LeMay - America's Car Museum
LeMay Family Collection
Museum of Glass
Tacoma Art Museum
Washington State History Museum

Hilltop Artists
Pacific Gallery Artists
Spaceworks Tacoma
Tacoma Arts Commission
Tacoma - Office of Arts & Culture
Washington State Arts Commission


Davis Freeman
Becky Frehse
Mick Klass Photography
Claudia Riedener
Sharon Styer
Chholing Taha

Art-Collecting.com is located in Tacoma, give us a call sometime to find out what we can do for you.
Forty-five years collecting, selling and marketing art. Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 10-5pm.


Zatista Online Art Sales

Zatista Fine Art
Is the leading destination to buy original art online, giving you unrivalled access to exclusive collections from all over the world. With over 4000 highly curated works from the most talented emerging and established artists, Zatista provides access to the types of works previously only available to seasoned collectors. Buying online with Zatista is easy with their complimentary art consultation, certificates of authenticity and a buyer guarantee that allows you to try art in your home with free returns (as well as free shipping within the US for all purchases). Their platform makes it fun to discover art you love, with an experience so unique it's like you are right there in front of it.

Weekly Volcano (Monthly)




Gallery guides for every state and thirty seven major art cities.


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Art-Collecting.com is an online resource for all art enthusiasts. Art collectors, art travelers and artists will find our comprehensive online Gallery Guides and Museum Guides to be very useful. We feature guides for thirty-seven major art destinations as well as every state. Be sure to look at our Art Fairs Guide and our guides to Miami Art Week and New York Art Fairs and Los Angeles Art Fairs which are up online year around.

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