California gallery guide and listing of California art galleries, city and regional
art guides. The art galleries listed feature contemporary and traditional fine art, painting,
prints, fine art photography, glass art, sculpture and many other types of visual art.
If you're interested in collecting art, buying or selling art or just like to visit galleries,
this is your best source for easily locating art galleries in the state of California.
Art-Collecting.com provides one click, easy to use gallery guides and art resources on the Internet. The guides
will help you to easily find and view online art and exhibitions. They are particularly useful to see what your
favorite gallery is showing and for discovering new ones. Click on "Gallery Guides"
above and you'll find guides for every state and thirty-seven major art cities. Also, explore around the site
and discover other useful information.
For the past 27 years, we've been providing art and gallery guides. Why? Because art galleries, art museums,
non-profit art organizations, and artists are important. Even though we've been around for years your support is
also important. If you've listed in the past, thank you, please renew. If you've never officially listed with us
please do so today. Listing information is located at the bottom of this guide. Thanks in advance, your
support is much appreciated.
About Art-Collecting.com
Art-Collecting.com is an online resource for all art enthusiasts. Art collectors, art travelers
and artists will find our comprehensive online Gallery Guides and
Museum Guides to be very useful. We feature guides for thirty-seven
major art destinations as well as every state. Be sure to look at our Art Fairs Guide
and our guides to Miami Art Week and New York Art Fairs
which are up online year around.
When exploring around our site you'll find informative articles and guides for specific types of art
like Fine Art Photography
and Native American Art. If you're looking for Art Appraisers,
Art Advisors & Consultants, Art Auctions or other
Art Services we're a good source.
Don't forget to visit our Artist Guides where you'll find links directly to artist websites.
Our Painters and Photographers
guides are very popular.
The guides are useful when looking to discover new artists or if you prefer buying art directly from artists.
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