Guide to Michigan art museums, art centers and non-profit art organizations. For the year 2025,
we will be focusing more on these important art venues. Please consider joining us and supporting them
whenever you can. The membership benefits are worth it, plus you will be contributing to important local
and regional art resources. This guide provides you with links to as many art organization as we know
about in the state. If you know of other art organizations that are not listed, please let us know.
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Michigan Art Museums
Dabls Mbad African Bead Museum (Detroit)The Dennos Museum Center (Traverse City)
Ella Sharp Museum (Jackson)
Grand Rapids Art Museum
Grand Rapids Public Museum
Muskegon Museum of Art
Saginaw Art Museum
Sloan Museum at Courtland (Flint)
University Art Museums and Galleries in Michigan
Cranbrook Art Museum (Bloomfield Hills)The Detroit Institute of Arts
Flint Institute of Arts
Kalamazoo Institute of Arts
University of Michigan Museum of Art (Ann Arbor)
Wayne State University - Art Department Gallery (Detroit)
Wayne State University - Elaine L. Jacob Gallery (Detroit)
Michigan Art Centers
Ann Arbor Art CenterAnton Art Center (Mount Clemens)
Art Center of Battle Creek
Arts and Scraps (Detroit)
Artworks (Big Rapids)
Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center
Crooked Tree Arts Center (Petoskey)
Detroit Artists Market
Flint Cultural Center
Ford Community & Performing Arts Center (Dearborn)
Forest Hills Public Schools / Fine Arts Center (Grand Rapids)
Grosse Pointe Artists Association (Grosse Pointe)
Hatch Art Center (Hamtramck)
Krasl Art Center (St. Joseph)
Lansing Art Gallery (Lansing)
Midland Center for the Arts (Midland)
N'Namdi Center for Contemporary Art (Detroit)
Nuveen Center - Arts Council of White Lake (Montague)
Paint Creek Center for the Arts (Rochester)
Shiawassee Arts Center (Owosso)
Van Singel Fine Arts Center (Byron Center)
Michigan Non-Profit Art Organizations
ArtPrizeArts Council of Greater Grand Rapids
Arts Council of Greater Kalamazoo
Arts Council of Greater Lansing
Brighton Art Guild (Brighton)
The Carr Center (Detroit)
Clinton County Arts Council (St. Johns)
Downriver Council for the Arts (Taylor)
Greater Flint Arts Council
The Guild of Artists & Artisans (Ann Arbor)
Michigan Art Education Association
Michigan Arts Access
Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs
Michigan Humanities
Plymouth Community Arts Council
Shiawassee Arts Center
St. Clair Art Association (Saint Clair)
Guides for major art cities and every state.
About Art-Collecting.com
Art-Collecting.com is an online resource for all art enthusiasts. Art collectors, art travelers and artists will find our comprehensive online Gallery Guides and Museum Guides to be very useful. We feature guides for thirty-seven major art destinations as well as every state. Be sure to look at our Art Fairs Guide and guides to Miami Art Week and New York Art Fairs and Los Angeles Art Fairs which are available year around.
If you're looking for Art Appraisers, Art Advisors & Consultants, Art Auctions or other Art Services we're a good source. Our Artist Guides is where you find links directly to artist websites. Our Painters and Photographers guides are very popular. You'll discover new artists and that you can buy directly from or be referred to galleries representing their art.
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