


Proper care and protection of artwork is very important because artwork can easily be damaged. It's a good idea to immediately plan your protection strategy, at the time of purchase. Inquire as to any special requirements that might be needed for protecting your new artwork. Ask the gallery or dealer for any advice they might have, they or the artist might have printed care and handling instructions available for you.

Think about where the artwork will be displayed and use good judgment on where you place it. Fragile glass objects can fall and break easily. Think twice about hanging your new painting over your fireplace, because possible heat and smoke damage. Be careful when placing artwork in your kitchen because cooking oils and odors can cause problems with certain types of artwork. These are just a couple things to consider in protecting your art collection.

Good books are available on the topic of collecting prints and fine art photography. Art conservation books also provide information about protecting your artwork as well as fixing problems.

Finally, if you're interested in or collecting fine art photography, be sure to read our article on the
Care and Handling of Fine Art Photography.

Below are additional resources related to protecting your artwork.

Art Conservation Resources

Art Conservation Centers

National Conservation Centers

Regional Conservation Centers

International Conservation Centers

Art Conservation Supplies

Mutual Art information about appraisals, artist information and and auction results

Data Base of Art Auction Prices and Artist Information
Are you interested in researching an artist or looking for current auction prices?
Mutual Art is a great place to start. They also offer the lowest prices for online appraisals.
They are a well respected source of art information online.

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Artwork by Gaylen Hansen in a retrospective exhibition at Woodside Braseth Gallery in Seattle, WA, June 4 - July 21, 2024, 060324

Gaylen Hansen
A Retrospective Exhibition
June 4 - July 21, 2024
Woodside Braseth Gallery

Artwork by Alex Weinstein on exhibition at Leslie Sacks Gallery in Santa Monica, CA, June 25 - August 31, 2024, 062624

Alex Weinstein
On Exhibition
June 25 - August 31, 2024
with Ed Ruscha
Leslie Sacks Gallery
Santa Monica, CA

Abstract painting by Nigel Sense on exhibition in 9th Benefit Exhibition at Bridgette Mayer Gallery in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 11 - August 3, 2024, 052224

9th Benefit Exhibition
June 11 - August 3, 2024
Including: Nigel Sense
Bridgette Mayer Gallery

Aspen tree painting by Jivan Lee on exhibition at LewAllen Galleries in Santa Fe, June 24 - July 20, 2024, 062624

Jivan Lee
June 24 - July 20, 2024
LewAllen Galleries
Santa Fe

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